Blogdown tricks

There are some pretty well versed tricks out there in the twitter sphere that prompted me to initiate this section about enlisting some of those. I just discoverd pretty cool features of hugo that supposedly improves blogging – with blogdown too. Unfortunately, every cool stuff does not always settles things down. In particular I have following headings to talk about:

Page bundles in hugo

I first learned about this from Alison’s post, apparently very late in the game though. But, as of now I am settled for not using feature. I personally have a conception that this way of organizing posts under a unique directory with its contents (image, pdf and csv) under the same directory is going to be more troublesome than article maintainance already is – this constitutes refactoring of old posts and improving them.

Further, I don’t see immediate benifits of using this bundling feature because I haven’t had to add much external images other than those generated by the Rmarkdown document itself. Also (I haven’t tried though), we can always organize such contents as images under a common directory or nested of those under the post/ (or can’t we ?). At least it works for data files directly below post/data/

This feature could be made possible by adding following two bits to the .Rprofile:

# in .Rprofile of the website project
if (file.exists("~/.Rprofile")) {
  base::sys.source("~/.Rprofile", envir = environment())

options(blogdown.new_bundle = TRUE)

The first bit is relevant only if you require loading of both project and user .Rprofile files. Only the second bit is required for bundling the pages.

Furthermore, option(blogdown.title_case = TRUE) could be added to the .Rprofile to clean the post Titles.

Another option: option(blogdown.yaml.empty = TRUE) seems to me elusive. I guess It has to do with conversion of yaml to toml ? Or it could mean that default empty directories archetype/ and layouts/ will populate the root on begining a new site ?

Any option could be here, but it is a plain demonstration of wrapper div.

Hugo archetypes

Also study a simple and quite understandable blog by Alison on Hugo archetypes:

Each post or page can be linked to source document using partial template update, as done here in The blog discusses details on adding the features for .Rmd files. Thankfully, docs type ‘.md’ files come readily with the Edit this page feature, implemented through /config/_default/params.toml. The parameter edit_page should, however, be adjusted to link to proper content_dir, otherwise you’ll be redirected to a broken source link.

Inserting toc

A docs type page can have toc in its body at any location with following shortcode: {{% toc %}}.

It seems tough to stop hugo parser from running most of the commands such as “toc” above without escaping the double curly braces. Comments are good for hiding it overall, but blockquote/alert do not work if you intend to stop parsing.

How to make pretty note boxes ?

My first and foremost encounter was this tweet:

This feature of adding of custom > div tips (div tips) is satisfying for blogdown and html based bookdown projects. Its limitation of being able only to work as expected in .Rmd files and not in .Rmarkdown, .md and not even in xaringan.

There is a simple implementation of the css based trick in a recent post [Long way on return](url link to the post).

Here’s another tweet that goes without context, but is beautiful.

What is a blogdown page ? – Case with hugo-academic

This came totally as a surprise to me that one must set the output format as blogdown::html_page with css option for a blogdown website to render properly. The css file should reside on static/css/ folder and images should ideally be under static/img/. But path reference to the style sheets may be in the format as: /css/some_style_sheet.css. Furthermore, the images in stylesheets should define relative path of the image file from the stylesheet location.

Online icon generator service


File paths in webstyling

Alert shortcode

A Markdown aside is useful for displaying notices, hints, or definitions to your readers.
Here’s some important information…

Create a custom widget

  1. Involves creation of layouts
  2. Writing hugo partial templates

Best resource out there is:

  1. On creating widget:
  2. On template making:

Webgallery: my custom widget creation project

  1. The webgallery.html widget displays the section content in large blue font.