Few diagrams and charts with tikz and pstricks
This tutorial is much about how to draw beautiful charts with latex. We use tikz plotting features to generate a probability illustration diagram.
Tip 1: Bayesian probability illustration diagram
This diagram is most useful when showing conditional probabilities of binomial events. It features sideways text also. This particular example borrowed from http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/bayes/ page. For the figure output visit the same link.
% Mammography problem from 'Intro to Bayes'
% Author: John Henderson
% common options for blocks:
block/.style = {draw, fill=blue!30, align=center, anchor=west,
minimum height=0.65cm, inner sep=0},
% common options for the circles:
ball/.style = {circle, draw, align=center, anchor=north, inner sep=0}]
% circle illustrating all women
\node[ball,text width=3cm,fill=purple!20] (all) at (6,0) {All women};
% two circles showing split of p{cancer} and p{~cancer}
\node[ball,fill=red!70,text width=0.1cm,anchor=base] (pcan) at (3.5,-5.5) {};
\node[ball,fill=blue!40,text width=2.9cm,anchor=base] (pncan) at (8.5,-6)
{Women without cancer\\
$\p({\sim}\cancer) = 99\%$};
% arrows showing split from all women to cancer and ~cancer
\draw[->,thick,draw=red!50] (all.south) to [out=270,in=90] (pcan.north);
\draw[->,thick,draw=blue!80] (all.south) to [out=270,in=110] (pncan.100);
% transition from all women to actual cancer rates
\node[anchor=north,text width=10cm,inner sep=.05cm,align=center,fill=white]
(why1) at (6,-3.7) {In measuring, we find:};
% note illustration the p{cancer} circle (text won't fit inside)
\node[inner sep=0,anchor=east,text width=3.3cm] (note1) at (3.2,-5.5) {
Women with cancer $\p(\cancer) = 1\%$};
% draw the sieves
\node[block,anchor=north,text width=4.4cm,fill=green!50] (tray1) at
(3.5,-8.8) {\small{$\p(\testp\mid\cancer)=0.8$}};
\node[block,anchor=north,text width=4.4cm,fill=green!50] (tray2) at
(8.5,-8.8) {$\p(\testp\mid{\sim}\cancer)=0.096$};
% text explaining how p{cancer} and p{~cancer} behave as they
% pass through the sieves
\node[anchor=west,text width=6cm] (note1) at (-6,-9.1) {
Now we pass both groups through the sieve; note that both
sieves are \emph{the same}; they just behave differently
depending on which group is passing through. \\
Let $\testp=$ a positve mammography.};
% arrows showing the circles passing through the seives
\draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (3.5,-5.9) -- (3.5,-8.6);
\draw[->,thick,draw=blue!50] (8.5,-8.1) -- (8.5,-8.6);
% numerator
\node[ball,text width=0.05cm,fill=red!70] (can) at (6,-10.5) {};
% dividing line
\draw[thick] (5,-11) -- (7,-11);
% demoniator
\node[ball,text width=0.39cm,fill=blue!40,anchor=base] (ncan) at (6.5,-11.5) {};
\node[ball,text width=0.05cm,fill=red!70,anchor=base] (can2) at (5.5,-11.5) {};
% plus sign in denominator
\draw[thick] (5.9,-11.4) -- (5.9,-11.6);
\draw[thick] (5.8,-11.5) -- (6,-11.5);
% arrows showing the output of the sieves formed the fraction
\draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (tray1.south) to [out=280,in=180] (can);
\draw[->,thick,draw=red!80] (tray1.south) to [out=280,in=180] (can2);
\node[anchor=north,inner sep=.1cm,align=center,fill=white] (why2) at
(3.8,-9.8) {$1\% * 80\%$};
\draw[->,thick,draw=blue!50] (tray2.south) to [out=265,in=0] (ncan);
\node[anchor=north,inner sep=.1cm,align=center,fill=white] (why2) at
(8.4,-9.8) {$99\% * 9.6\%$};
% explanation of final formula
\node[anchor=north west,text width=6.5cm] (note2) at (-6,-12.5)
{Finally, to find the probability that a positive test
\emph{actually means cancer}, we look at those who passed
through the sieve \emph{with cancer}, and divide by all who
received a positive test, cancer or not.};
% illustrated fraction turned into math
\node[anchor=north,text width=10cm] (solution) at (6,-12.5) {
+ \p(\testp\mid{\sim}\cancer)} &= \\
\frac{1\% * 80\%}{(1\% * 80\%) + (99\% * 9.6\%)} &= 7.8\%
= \p(\cancer\mid\testp)
Tip 2: Flow chart
Source: http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/assignment-structure/
rounded corners,
% fill=black!10,
draw=black, very thick,
text width=10em,
minimum height=3em,
text centered,
on chain},
line/.style={draw, thick, <-},
top color=white,
bottom color=blue!50!black!60!,
minimum width=8em,
draw=blue!40!black!90, very thick,
text width=10em,
minimum height=3.5em,
text centered,
on chain},
every join/.style={->, thick,shorten >=1pt},
tubnode/.style={midway, right=2pt},
[node distance=.8cm,
start chain=going below,]
\node[punktchain, join] (intro) {Introduktion};
\node[punktchain, join] (probf) {Problemformulering};
\node[punktchain, join] (investeringer) {Investeringsteori};
\node[punktchain, join] (perfekt) {Det perfekte kapitalmarked};
\node[punktchain, join, ] (emperi) {Emperi};
\node (asym) [punktchain ] {Asymmetrisk information};
\begin{scope}[start branch=venstre,
%We need to redefine the join-style to have the -> turn out right
every join/.style={->, thick, shorten <=1pt}, ]
\node[punktchain, on chain=going left, join=by {<-}]
(risiko) {Risiko og gamble};
\begin{scope}[start branch=hoejre,]
\node (finans) [punktchain, on chain=going right] {Det finansielle system};
\node[punktchain, join,] (disk) {Det imperfekte finansielle marked};
\node[punktchain, join,] (makro) {Investeringsmæssige konsekvenser};
\node[punktchain, join] (konk) {Konklusion};
% Now that we have finished the main figure let us add some "after-drawings"
%% First, let us connect (finans) with (disk). We want it to have
%% square corners.
\draw[|-,-|,->, thick,] (finans.south) |-+(0,-1em)-| (disk.north);
% Now, let us add some braches.
%% No. 1
\draw[tuborg] let
\p1=(risiko.west), \p2=(finans.east) in
($(\x1,\y1+2.5em)$) -- ($(\x2,\y2+2.5em)$) node[above, midway] {Teori};
%% No. 2
\draw[tuborg, decoration={brace}] let \p1=(disk.north), \p2=(makro.south) in
($(2, \y1)$) -- ($(2, \y2)$) node[tubnode] {Analyse};
%% No. 3
\draw[tuborg, decoration={brace}] let \p1=(perfekt.north), \p2=(emperi.south) in
($(2, \y1)$) -- ($(2, \y2)$) node[tubnode] {Problemfelt};
Tip 3: Smart diagram (Bubble)
Source: http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/smart-bubbles/
% \usepackage{dtklogos} % not necessary
\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{TeX engines,
TeX (dvi), pdfTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, ConTeXt}
Tip 5
For a gallery of almost all possible TeX graphics visit http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/tag/diagrams/ plus the site: http://www.texample.net/ has links to several forums and webblog resources that contain innumerable gems.