Application installation

Installing and maintaining software packages

sudo apt-get install packagename

To find the name of package and to uninstall it,

  1. Go to software center and search for the application
  2. Scroll down to “Version” the packagename is the part before the first space in the Version.
sudo apt-get remove packagename

Alternatively, if you know the path to a file which executes the application, you can also do

dpkg -S /path/to/file

Following can also be a good way to find the packages associated with the “search name”

apt-cache search name

If Software Center was not used, use

dpkg -S $(which searchname)

In order to get a list of installed packages and save that to a home directory:

dpkg --get-selections > list.txt
# or
sudo dpkg --get-selections | sed "s/.*deinstall//" | sed "s/install$//g" > ~/list2.txt

To install the packages from the list, saved earlier,

sudo dpkg --set-selections < list2.txt && sudo apt-get -u dselect-upgrade