Batch scripting and using open source video downloader


Open source community is a host of invaluable tools for raising productivity. One of these tools include youtube-dl which is a shell/command line based tool for making requests and streaming data. In addition, it links to the popular ffmpeg library to weave together video and streams, all seamlessly.


Below is a batch script that could be ran independently in windows, downloaded videos from any given streaming site that youtube-dl supports.

@echo off
color 17
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Getting ready for download...
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Set a directory(for eg., "E:\DD\", with quotes) to download to...
set /P "dir_name="
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo You have set directory to %dir_name%
if not exist %dir_name% (
    rem file exists
    echo The directory does not already exist. Creating the directory...
    mkdir %dir_name%
    color 71
    echo Successfully created "%dir_name%".
) else (
    rem file doesn't exist
    echo The directory already exists. You are ready to go.
    color 71
cd /d %dir_name%
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Changed directory successfully.
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Starting download of individual videos from "%userprofile%\Desktop\dean_batch.txt" at "-f 22"...
youtube-dl -citk -f 22 --batch-file="%userprofile%\Desktop\dean_batch.txt"
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Download complete of individual videos.
echo ==========================================================
echo ==========================================================
echo Do you want to continue to download playlist too? (Y/N)
set /p "playlist_also="
if %playlist_also%==Y (
    echo ======================================================
    echo ======================================================
    echo You selected to continue downloading the playlist items.
    echo Starting download of playlist items from "%userprofile%\Desktop\dean_batch_playlist.txt" at "-f 22"...
    youtube-dl -citk -f 22 --batch-file="%userprofile%\Desktop\dean_batch_playlist.txt"
    echo ======================================================
    echo ======================================================
    echo Download complete of playlist items.
) else (
    echo You deferred the download of playlist items.
    echo ======================================================
    echo ======================================================
color 07
cmd /k
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