Tidyverse and tidbits

Ideas surrounding tidy evaluation quote() and eval() Why quote at-all Resolved messy data with tidy evaluation List behavior Using pmap to perform list operations inside a dataframe Apply a function to certain columns only, by rows Do any arbitrary operation Using dplyr functions inside your own functions Effiecient ways to operate on list Binds each element as row but third element is list Produces rowbinding for dataframe but doesn’t work with list elements Tibble and map data to list column in isolation Modeling, exploration, summary extraction and visualization examples using dplyr verbs.

Layout and planning of individual varietal demonstrations in small areas

Design and layout plan Figure 1: Grid layout design of varietal demonstration for small number of plots

Memorize the date? Don't need to, use lubridate

My sufferance Time and again, I’ve suffered due to my humanistic limitations of memorizing things promptly. I suck at remembering stuffs, dates particularly. So, In this blog trip (Oh! this is a trip btw, because I don’t forsee myself surpassing my memory limitations any sooner than death), I will be stating if not rambing on some lifesaving tricks of picking up pieces of your faulty brain.

How to quickly view object size

Background In object oriented programming, everything is an object – even functions. One of the defining features of OOP, and especially that of R, is that all objects are characterized by their classes. Each class on the other hand have their repective attributes and methods defined.

Stability analysis: how to guide

Meaning of stability Introduction Principles of Biplot analysis Biplot and its Inner-product Property Singular value decomposition and partitioning Column-metric preserving and associated interpretations Row-metric preserving and associated interpretations Data centering prior to SVD Data scaling prior to SVD Four questions to be asked before trying to interpret a biplot Simplest case of biplot analysis Multienvironment trial data AMMI Analysis References Meaning of stability Comparison of treatments may also imply cross comparison of their stability across multiple environments, especially when a study constitutes a series of trials that are each conducted at different locations and/or at different periods in time (henceforth referred to as MET; Multi-Environment Trial).

Thanking the farmers

Everybody has their own secret mantra which they find useful and will eventually apply for their unique set of problems. As a rummaging wanna-be R programmer, almost daily I shovel through rich contents of web in lookout for gurus.

Dealing with factors

A factor is an headache I have a dataset, cleaning which has been a pain lately. I’m going to use 20 observations of the imported dataset in this post to demonstrate how pathetically have I been advancing with it.

An encounter with blogdown

An encounter with web content related to R, although for me it is usually random, is in general welcoming. The link to this amazing feature building on the fact that using a markdown language is rather a pleasant way to write a blog post in a fully costumizable website all by yourself is enticing, to me at least.