Plant Breeding

Design and analysis of balanced randomized complete block (RCBD) experiment

Introduction Balanced block designs are a class of randomized experimental design that contain equal number of records for a particular level of categorical variable across all blocks. Example 1 Let us generate some data from random process mimicking a single factor process consisting of 3 levels.

Developing flowcharts: an illustration of wheat breeding scheme

Flow diagrams are jam-packed with information. They normally describe a process and actors that are involved in making that happen. With r package diagram, which uses r’s basic plotting capabilities, constructing flowcharts is as easy as drawing any other graphics.

Varietal database of lentil in Nepal

This one is my effort to compose an updated database on the current situation of lentil germplasm in Nepal. I’ve managed to list out the varieties that have been made available so far (either through release or registration process).

Flowering phenology of Rice genotypes in irrigated tropical condition of Nepal

Dhangadhi of Kailali, Nepal remains relatively hotter during summer season with respect to average condition of terai agro-ecology. A regime of high day temperature with bright sunshine and cool night temperature along with plenty of seasonal rain during larger part of rice growing season favors good growth of rice crop in the region.

Layout and planning of individual varietal demonstrations in small areas

Design and layout plan Figure 1: Grid layout design of varietal demonstration for small number of plots

Stability analysis: how to guide

Meaning of stability Introduction Principles of Biplot analysis Biplot and its Inner-product Property Singular value decomposition and partitioning Column-metric preserving and associated interpretations Row-metric preserving and associated interpretations Data centering prior to SVD Data scaling prior to SVD Four questions to be asked before trying to interpret a biplot Simplest case of biplot analysis Multienvironment trial data AMMI Analysis References Meaning of stability Comparison of treatments may also imply cross comparison of their stability across multiple environments, especially when a study constitutes a series of trials that are each conducted at different locations and/or at different periods in time (henceforth referred to as MET; Multi-Environment Trial).