Tutorials and webinars


Replication of DNA

  1. Stephen P. Bell (MIT / HHMI) 1a: Chromosomal DNA Replication: The DNA Replication Fork

  2. Stephen P. Bell (MIT / HHMI) 1b: Chromosomal DNA Replication: Initiation of DNA Replication

  3. Stephen P. Bell (MIT / HHMI) 2: Single-Molecule Studies of Eukaryotic DNA Replication

Structure of RNA

  1. Talk by Marie Pyle (Yale U./HHMI) Part1: RNA Structure

  2. Anna Marie Pyle (Yale U./HHMI) Part 2: Inside an RNA Splicing Machine

  3. Anna Marie Pyle (Yale U./HHMI) Part 3: RNA Helicases and RNA-triggered Signaling Proteins


MIT opencourseware, Biological Chemistry II by Elizabeth Nolan (Spring, 2016)

  1. Protein Synthesis 1

  2. Protein Synthesis 2

  3. Protein Synthesis 3

  4. Protein Synthesis 4

  5. Protein Synthesis 5

  6. Protein Synthesis 6

  7. Protein Folding 1

Protein synthesis by Rachel Green

  1. Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins U., HHMI) 1: Protein synthesis: a high fidelity molecular event

  2. Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins U., HHMI) 2: Protein synthesis: mRNA surveillance by the ribosome

Protein dynamics by Dorothee Kern

  1. Dorothee Kern (Brandeis, HHMI) 1: Visualizing Protein Dynamics

  2. Dorothee Kern (Brandeis, HHMI) 2: Using Evolution to Reveal a Cancer Drug’s Mechanism

Protein Design by Rama Ranganathan

  1. Rama Ranganathan (U. Texas Southwestern) Part 1: What is Protein Design?

  2. Rama Ranganathan (U. Texas Southwestern) Part 2: A Model for Protein Design

  3. Rama Ranganathan (U. Texas Southwestern) Part 3: Protein Function and Adaptability

Gene Regulation

  1. Robert Tjian (Berkeley/HHMI) Part 1: Gene regulation: An introduction

  2. Robert Tjian (Berkeley/HHMI) Part 2: Gene regulation: Why so complex?

  3. Gene regulation and epigenome

Transposable genetic elements

Talk by Susan Wessler exclusively on the transposable elements:

  1. Susan Wessler (UC Riverside) Part 1: Introduction to transposable elements
  2. Susan Wessler (UC Riverside) Part 2: How transposable elements amplify throughout genomes